Drop A Dress Size In 28 Days Online Nutrition Program

Would you like to know a simple, scientifically proven way to eat right and lose weight?

A method that takes the guesswork, confusion and frustration out of your diet and gives you simple, clear instructions on what to eat and when?


I get it!

It’s Kirby here with a question for you:

Would you like to know a simple, scientifically proven way to eat right and lose weight?

A method that takes the guesswork, confusion and frustration out of your diet and gives you simple, clear instructions on what to eat and when?

Here’s the thing.

I get endless questions from women just like you asking

  • What do I eat?
  • When do I eat it?
  • What if I don’t like cooking?
  • How do I shop?
  • Can it please just be easy?

This upsets me! A LOT.

Because the simple truth behind weight loss isn’t that big.

So many coaches, influencers and fitness gurus make it sound really difficult.

Paleo, low-carb, Atkins, intermittent fasting, veganism 🤦🏽‍♀️

To help you out I’ve spent the last 12 months getting my Cert IV in Nutrition. I’m now a Nationally Recognised Nutritionist and I’ve got the science to back it up baby.

So – are you ready to learn the simple secret to Eat Right and Lose Weight?

This is exactly what I’ll be teaching you in my online program.