
Real Women. Real Results.

MEET Amber

How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

Since June 2020

What made you join?

I was wanting to loose weight and improve my mental health

How have you changed physically & mentally?

I have lost 19kgs and my mental health has improved significantly

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

Don’t hesitate just do it you wont be disappointed, Kirby and the other 2 trainers are all so welcoming and encouraging they are happy to help you any way they can or just have a chat to check in, joining Kirby Bree Fitness is the best thing I’ve ever done for my mental health.


How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

I joined in September of 2020.

What made you join?

I was looking for a Gym that would take me on, during my pregnancy. I was already training but needed to find a new gym. Kirby and Ash were willing to work with me to maintain my fitness, whilst doing it safely.

How have you changed physically & mentally?

I was pregnant when I joined KBF. This was my second pregnancy and continuing to train helped me to keep off unnecessary weight gain and maintain my fitness. I only gained 9kg during my pregnancy. When I returned back to training with Kirby after having Georgia, I returned back to my previous weight after 3 months of training. I lost the 9kg.

Mentally, it enables me to have a clear and focused mind set. I don’t have brain fog, I can focus and it helps to keep my anxiety levels low ( which is why I returned to a gym in the first place )

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

Give yourself time. It can be overwhelming walking into an environment where other people have been doing this longer then you. But give yourself time, you will start to see the changes in yourself physically and mentally. Every body else who is at this gym, wants the same things as you and a lot of us all have similar backgrounds ( we are mums )..  Plus is feels good to be strong!

MEET Court

How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

Since July 2018 with a break having another baby in between.

What made you join?

My sister in law always raved about how great Kirby and her classes were. I was a runner and she said it would be great for my overall fitness. I had just had my first baby and I wanted to do something for me and make myself feel good because I had put on weight from having a baby and wasn’t happy with the thought that this was my body now.

How have you changed physically & mentally?

I suffer from anxiety and working out at KBF has gone wonders for my mental health. I feel so much better after a workout and am a happier Mother and Wife.  Physically I have had lots of changes too. I am stronger than before kids and have an incredible urge to push myself further and further with trying new exercises and doing things I never thought possible. It has given me a new respect for my body and what it can achieve with hard work.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

Don’t wait. Come join us now! I have referred many women over the years I have been at KBF and they all say they wished they had started sooner. It’s such a wonderful supportive community with knowledgeable trustworthy motivational trainers. No matter what fitness level you are at there is always a spot for you.


How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

Since September, 2020. 12 months

What made you join?

I’m a young breast cancer survivor and I thought that I could “do it” myself. After a full breast reconstruction, I needed to increase my cardio fitness, my strength, and my mobility. I had a few failed attempts at gyms who didn’t understand my history and one night my husband said to me “this gym looks supportive, why don’t you give it a try babe?”

Here I am 12 months later!

How have you changed physically & mentally?

Mentally, I have more confidence in myself. That yes, I have been through a horrible time, but it will never define me. It will only make me stronger. I value exercise so much deeper than I did 12 months ago.

Physically, my mobility has improved drastically. I was carrying an extra 6-7kg which I have now lost, which is keeping me in control of my overall health. I’m stronger… I have 8 scars where I have had surgery and I started throwing a 5kg medicine ball, and now I can use a 10kg medicine ball without any worries.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

The first step is the hardest, but you will be joining one of the most supportive communities in the Hunter.

A service where women can come and feel like their old self again. To become comfortable and confident within their own skin.

MEET Jamie

How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

Just over 13 months – Since July 2020

What made you join?

I wanted to put my fitness first and in turn impact on my mental health too! I was looking for a gym where I felt included and valued like I had never felt before. KBF allowed me to do a trial to see if it worked for me and my 3 month old bubba. Kirby was also very encouraging and always listened and checked in. ash was always there to modify and make sure I was ok in all classes. All of these things made me sign up straight after my trial.

How have you changed physically & mentally?

I have changed 10 fold! I’ve lost all my baby weight approx.12-13kgs and I’ll toned up and become so much fitter and stronger! Mentally I feel good about exercising for me because I know it helps all other aspects of my life! If I don’t care for myself then I can’t care for the people who rely on me like my kids, my hubby, the students I teach, etc…

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

Give it a go, you will be pleasantly surprised, you will be welcomed and made to feel like you are worthy of this step in your life! You will not regret it! KBF is a community of likeminded women who support and care for each other no matter where we are on our fitness journey!


How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

I started in November, 2020.

What made you join?

I needed to do something about my fitness levels, do something for me that was not just being a wife, mum, employee and step outside my comfort zone.

How have you changed physically & mentally?

Physically – still working on that!! Though definitely fitter (other than Covid times!) and stronger.  Can lift weights I never would have attempted before.  Mentally for me is the biggest change.  As someone who deals with anxiety/panic attacks, which had me at the point of struggling to leave the house sometimes, I look forward to leaving the house now to head down to the gym and put myself first.  I feel so much stronger mentally as exercise really  is the best medicine for anxiety

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

Just do it!!! You will never regret the chance you take or the workout you do, but you may regret not giving it a go!! Everyone starts of unsure, unfit, scared – but it is the most welcoming, supportive environment, more than I could ever have imagined.  The only downside is that you will make loads of friends, gain an addiction to working out, feel so much better about yourself and about life – oh yeah, oops that’s an upside, there are no downsides!

MEET Hayley

How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

I have been training with Kirby Bree fitness for 7 months.

What made you join?

I joined because I was finally ready to do something for myself, to invest in me and to help me feel amazing! I researched and researched some more and all roads led to Kirby Bree.

How have you changed physically & mentally?

I have changed in ways I didn’t think were possible.. for the first time I actually am at peace with my body, I am strong now, physically and mentally. Stronger  than I ever thought possible! And I have Kirby Bree Fitness to thank for that.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

My advice to ladies thinking about joining.. I am the worlds biggest over thinker. But investing in my fitness is the best thing I have done. It has so many flow on affects. I wish I had joined years ago, then I would have been part of this amazing community of women earlier! I often say to myself why wasn’t I doing this years ago???


How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

Since April 2019 – the longest I’ve been with any gym anywhere, ever!

What made you join?

I was looking for something close to home and randomly found you at the Scout Hall in Valentine! After speaking to you hearing classes were only 30mins long I thought “oh, is that all?” – little did I know that’s all you need for a good burn and it was the perfect place to start 6 weeks postpartum. I had just had my third and, what I knew was my last, baby and after 6yrs of IVF/pregnancy/having babies I desperately wanted to be “me” again, and part of that meant losing the baby weight so I signed up. The free kids area was a huge bonus too!

How have you changed physically & mentally?

Physically I lost 14kg (let’s not say I’ve put a few back on!), but what I did not expect was how much stronger I became. I always believed cardio & eating as little as possible was the way to lose weight, but through Kirby’s variety of classes including weight based, I learnt this was the way to tone & trim down sensibly. Initially Kirby really helped me with my nutrition, which went against what I believed (above), but I listened, followed her advice and through fuelling my body correctly I lost all the baby weight, plus some.

Mentally – Fark, I’m so much more comfortable in my skin. I feel like “me”, even on shit days I still feel good about myself. I’m sure of myself and feel strong mentally.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

There are women from all walks of life at KBF but everyone is so genuinely lovely. KBF is SO much more than a gym. I’ve learnt so much about exercise and nutrition I could easily walk away and stay relatively fit doing it on my own BUT I stay for the community. I knew no one when I started but I’ve made so many friends, people who I care about and who care about me. I love the brand KBF is – strong women lifting each other up.

Start your 28 Day Fitness Kickstart

MEET Maria

How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

I joined in January 2021.

What made you join?

Wanting to live a healthier lifestyle and to become a fitter, happier healthier version of myself.

How have you changed physically & mentally?

Mentally I am a much more confident in myself and my abilities (friends have mentioned how they have noticed a boost in my confidence) as well as being more motivated to work towards my goals and living a healthier lifestyle.

I feel like I have a better understanding of nutrition after doing the ‘Not A Challenge’ and I’ve learnt that I can still enjoy foods that I love and have flexibility in my diet whilst still making progress in my fitness/weight loss journey.

I didn’t have much love for myself before – I just hated what I saw in the mirror every time I looked at myself in my underwear/naked. I am slowly learning to love myself more and more each day.

I love being around women that are all like minded and that create the amazing community of Kirby Bree Fitness. It is a real mood booster.

I started doing 1 on 1 PT with Ashley and was so scared to go into classes but now (prior to lockdown) I am excited for the days I am attending a group class. Such an amazing atmosphere and such lovely friendly women! I always leave feeling great and in a good mindset.

Physically my body has changed so much I haven’t just lost weight but I feel stronger and fitter than I have ever been in my life, such an incredible feeling of accomplishment. Sometimes I still have to wrap my head around how far I’ve come. It actually wasn’t until I donated all of my old clothes and I decided to try my old pair of jeans and shorts on that it really put it into perspective for me.

Not that I am going off weight for my goals (because I understand I could be losing body fat but gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat) but I have lost 14.4kg since starting with Kirby Bree Fitness and have gone down from a size 18-20 to a size 12.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

Honestly I was on the fence for months and months lurking on the internet searching for ‘women’s only gym’ late at night. I know it sounds so cliche but I wish I joined earlier. If you are feeling scared to go into a group setting like me – start off with 1 on 1 sessions. It will ease you into classes and you will build a bit of confidence before hand! I did 10 weeks 1 on 1 before I started classes – I didn’t think I would be able to keep up but everyone just goes at their own pace. I was also nervous that people would be looking at me thinking how funny I look but it is NOT like that at all!! Such an inclusive and judgement free space. Couldn’t recommend enough!!

MEET Nicci

How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

I joined in June of 2017 just a few weeks after she started, so a bit over 4 years I think. (Longest I have ever stayed at a gym).

What made you join?

I started because it was nice and close to home and I liked that the classes weren’t too long. I stayed because I love the way I feel after a class. Energised and feel healthier and happier.

How have you changed physically & mentally?

I don’t think I’ve said said that I enjoyed a gym class until I started at Kirby’s. A beautiful, fun community of women who support each other without judgement.

I am stronger then I have ever been in my life and it feels great to feel strong!

I notice when I haven’t been at a class for a little bit, because it effects me mentally and I lack energy.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

Anyone thinking of joining Kirby Bree Fitness, I would say just give it a go. The trainers and ladies will make you feel welcome and will step you through it. As scary as it can be starting something new, that’s it is 100% worth it.


How long have you been a member of Kirby Bree Fitness?

Almost 11 Months. Since October 2020

What made you join?

In the September/October School Holidays last year we spent a lot of time at the beach, and I felt extremely self-conscious in swimmers; I decided that it was time I needed to do something to improve my fitness, mental health and to hopefully lose weight. My friend Rene had been talking about this awesome all women’s gym she was going to, so with it being so close to home plus I could bring my kids along I thought I would give it a try.

How have you changed physically & mentally?

The physical change I have had include weight loss of 16Kgs which has surpassed my original goal plus improved physical strength and fitness. I am stronger and fitter than I have ever been before and ever thought would be possible after having my 2 kids. The improvement in my core strength is dramatically different and I no longer have back pain that I had struggled with before.

I think everyone can say that 2020 was a hard year and for me it brought extreme mental health battles including anxiety and depression. Being a part of the Kirby Bree Fitness community has brought me renewed focus and drive which in return gives me a sense of achievement and purpose. The change in my thought process and perspective is so different and I can say that it is due to the health and fitness journey I have been on over the past 10 months.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

It doesn’t matter your fitness level or experience with going to a gym, it is worth a try to do something just for you. Kirby Bree Fitness is the most supportive and welcoming community that you could be a part of and from my experience it is worth putting yourself first.

MEET Tenae

How long have you been a member of KBF?

I have been a KBF member for 18 months. Since February 2020

What made you join?

I knew I needed to do something for me, for my own mental and physical health. A beautiful friend had been telling me about Kirby Bree Fitness for so long and trying to get me to join, but I was so self conscious and everytime I thought about joining I would give in to my insecurities and self doubt, until one day I seen that Kirby was running  spin the wheel deal, I spun the wheel and won a discount off a 3 week trial, so without thinking too much about it, I purchased it. My trial period slowly crept by and I almost let my insecurities win again, but Kirby kept reaching out to see if I was ready to come along before my trial expired, I worked up the courage and went along to my first class (with only days left to activate my 3week trial). I knew after my first class that I was absolutely hooked, I joined as a member the day my trial ended and I haven’t looked back since. I just wish I had done it sooner!!

How have you changed physically & mentally?

Physically I have lost 32kgs, gained so much muscle and toned my body beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

Mentally I cannot even describe the difference, I have gained self confidence, self love, and generally just a happier and more fun loving person.  I was in a dark place mentally when I started, I had just gone through a divorce and was a single mum who used junk food as a coping mechanism.  I didn’t love me, to be honest I don’t even think I liked me, and just like many other women I was my biggest critic. But now I’ve learned to love the skin I’m in, I am so proud of how far I have come and how much bo body can do! I am a completely different person today than I was 18 months ago.

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about trialling Kirby Bree Fitness?

If I could give anyone thinking about joining KBF just 1 piece of advice, it would be to just do it! What have you got to lose? Bite the bullet and just come along for a trial! You will meet the most amazing community of inspirational, motivational and encouraging women! We lift each other up, and cheer each other on every step of the way! I have made so many life long friends and words cannot describe how grateful I am to Kirby and her community for helping me live my best life, and for introducing me to the best sisterhood I have ever come across.

A service where women can come and feel like their old self again. To become comfortable and confident within their own skin.

✅ Self-Confidence

✅ Stronger

✅ Healthier

✅ Fitter



I’m absolutely loving your classes & seeing results just makes me want to strive to achieve more… so happy to have come this far not just with my weight but my energy levels, fitness, body confidence & learning when & what to eat…



Since I started training with Kirby Bree Fitness, I’ve lost 11kg & 26cm. I’m back into clothes I was in on my honeymoon (9 years & 3 kids ago!!)

