
How do I have a successful fitness business in less than 2 years?

May 1, 2019 | Uncategorized

From being a stay at home mum for 8 years to owning and running a successful fitness business in less than 2 years. How did I do it?

Compassion and empathy has been my biggest success.

I was each and every one of my clients.

I have children. My body changed. My mindset changed. The Kirby I knew before I had children, wasn’t the same Kirby after having 3 babies.

Being able to relate to women on a compassionate level, and know exactly what they are going through, has allowed me to be true to who I am and giving other women the opportunity to be true to themselves too.

I totally get that women want to feel comfortable within their own skin. They want to fit into their clothes and feel confident. They want to be able to take time out and invest back into their bodies, and mind for a release from all the demands of motherhood on a daily basis. Women want to be part of a community of women, who are like themselves so they can relate and feel connected, because when this occurs they let their walls down and they know they can start to achieve their goals that lay before them.

It is finding a place where you can be you.

This is why Kirby Bree Fitness has been and will continue to be successful.

Take the opportunity and help Kirby Bree Fitness celebrate 2 years of having a voice for women return to exercise in a safe environment.

Share with your friends, come and join us for 7 days of free classes to meet women just like you. x

Click here to find out more

Kirby. x