
Day 3 – Beginner Series

Day 3 – Beginner Series

 Hi Beautiful People, Welcome to Series 1 - Day 3 Legs & Booty 💗 No equipment is needed - or if you feel like you are in that in-between stage of advancing to using some equipment - eg dumbbells then this 30 min workout is perfect for you. e There are 10...

Day 2 – Beginner Series

Day 2 – Beginner Series

Hi beautiful people, Welcome to Series 1 - Day 2 Beginner Upper Body & Core Workout No equipment is needed - or if you feel like you are in that in-between stage of advancing to using some equipment - eg dumbbells then this 45 min workout is perfect for you. We will...

Day 1 – Beginner Series

Day 1 – Beginner Series

 Hi beautiful people, Welcome to Series 1 - Day 1 Beginner full-body workout No equipment is needed - or if you feel like you are in that in-between stage of advancing to using some equipment - eg dumbbells then this 35 min workout is perfect for you. We will be...

The best workout to do when you have your period?

The best workout to do when you have your period?

The best workout to do when you have your period? Cramps and period can make exercising suck! … unless you know what the best workout to do is when you have your period. When you have your period (Day 1 - 7) Did you know that your cycle starts on the first day of your...

My top 5 tips to eating healthy and clean through COVID-19

My top 5 tips to eating healthy and clean through COVID-19

My top 5 tips to eating healthy and clean through COVID-19 1️⃣ Eat everything in your cupboard that is high in sugar & carbs 🙈 2️⃣ Drink all the alcohol within your house 🍷🙋‍♀️ 3️⃣ Quarantine your children to their rooms, so you can eat their Easter chocolate 🤣...

How To Prepare For Your Post Baby Body.

How To Prepare For Your Post Baby Body.

One Woman’s Experience:  How To Prepare For Your Post. Baby. Body. I hated my body after I  gave birth. I was delusional to think that I wouldn’t gain weight. That I would pop the baby out and boom I’d fit into my “pre-baby clothes” again. What was I thinking? I...

Group Fitness

Group Fitness

Who is Kirby Bree Fitness suitable for?   Women  Women that are feed up with putting themselves last  Women who want to be body confident after having children  Women who are tired, unmotivated and lack energy  Women that want to be part of a community of like minded...

How do I have a successful fitness business in less than 2 years?

How do I have a successful fitness business in less than 2 years?

From being a stay at home mum for 8 years to owning and running a successful fitness business in less than 2 years. How did I do it? Compassion and empathy has been my biggest success. I was each and every one of my clients. I have children. My body changed. My...

Scared to jump or run incase you wet yourself?

Scared to jump or run incase you wet yourself?

Do you leak when your kids ask you to jump on the trampoline? Do you leak when you go to run around and chase/play with your children? 1 in 3 women who have had a baby, will experience leakage when they run, jump or exercise. So what does this mean for you, does it...